What is the most important relationship in your life right now? Why is that person so special to you?

The most important relationship is obviously the one with my boyfriend (Tanin). Our relationship is very important to me because he is my motivation in life, the reason I’m acualky happy. He’s so special to me because he’s made me love myself, be happy, and achieve things I didn’t think I could before. He’s such an amazing person, inside and out. He’s more of a blessing to me, but him being different from everyone else is why I love him so dearly. He’s the most extraordinary person I’ve met or ever loved. And I know some people don’t think teens can even be able to love. But if we don’t know what love is, why exactly do we love our parents and our friends? Lol it’s the same thing but a lot more intense. And warming. Anyways, he’s a very special person to me and our relationship is special as well. I can’t see life without having him there, cheering me on. Believing in me.

What class do you enjoy the most and why?

I enjoy a lot of my classes but the one I really enjoy is biology because it’s more laid back. The subject isn’t really my favorite, but the class in general is my favorite. Really Mr, Wheeler is my favorite because of how laid back he is, and all you have to do to pass is to pay attention and turn in your work. Plus, he will help you a lot in the process of the year. He also has a really good since of humor. And it makes my day better when I have a bad one. That’s why biology is my favorite class